Research Minute: What Really Drives Students to Pursue a BAS Degree? The Surprising Findings (Part 3 of 3)


What Really Drives Students to Pursue a BAS Degree? The Surprising Findings
(Part 3 of 3)

This blog post is the last in the three-part Research Minute series on Exploring Motivational Factors for Community College Transfer Students to a Bachelor of Applied Science degree at Mississippi State University.

Even with the benefits of the design of Mississippi State’s Bachelor of Applied Science degree, one must still understand the influence career and technical education has on student success and a few strategies that institutions can implement to make sure transfer students have the best educational environment to succeed in their academic pursuits.

Career Technical Education: Paving the Way for Student Career Success

Clip art of CTE unlocking a career

Career Technical Education (CTE) is a crucial component of higher education that plays a significant role in helping transfer students accomplish their academic goals. The United States Department of Education recognizes that CTE programs provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue their desired careers and even more than that, it equips them with the necessary soft skills to succeed in their future workplaces. CTE programs offer hands-on experience in a chosen field, which can enhance students' understanding of their chosen profession, and in turn, can be a significant factor in their successful job placement after graduation. These benefits make CTE programs an invaluable part of the education system, as they bridge the gap between academic preparation and professional readiness.

Furthermore, nontraditional learners, such as older students, part-time students, or those with family responsibilities, can benefit greatly from CTE programs. These learners may not have the same academic background as traditional students, but CTE programs can still provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers. In addition, CTE programs offer a flexible learning environment that accommodates the unique needs of nontraditional learners. This accessibility can open doors for those who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to pursue their desired career paths (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019).

Building a Better Support System for Transfer Students

To support transfer students in achieving their educational goals, educators and administrators can implement various strategies. First, providing support services like counseling and tutoring can offer valuable guidance and advice to help transfer students succeed (Crisp, 2019). Additionally, offering flexible scheduling options such as night and weekend classes can make it easier for nontraditional learners to pursue their next degree (Crisp, 2019).

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In addition to these strategies, creating a supportive learning environment can also help transfer students feel more comfortable and engaged in the classroom. This can be achieved by offering mentorship and peer support, as well as promoting a sense of community within the classroom (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2018). Moreover, incorporating innovative technology and interactive teaching methods can enhance the learning experience for transfer students and make it more engaging and effective.

Furthermore, organizing events and programs that cater to transfer students' needs and interests can also foster a sense of belonging and promote social and academic success. This includes networking opportunities, transfer student orientations, and social events that encourage interaction and collaboration among students. More importantly, transfer institutions should constantly evaluate the services provided to make sure students feel heard and supported. The quote from an adult transfer student is a perfect snapshot of quite a few transfer students' experiences.

I didn’t really know where anything was at or anything like that. Like a freshman who didn’t get a freshman orientation.

Finally, it is essential to recognize and address the unique challenges and barriers that transfer students may face, such as adjusting to a new campus culture, financial constraints, and navigating transfer credits. By addressing these challenges and providing tailored support, educators and administrators can better serve transfer students and promote their academic success.

Relationships are Key! 

Recognizing the factors that influence community college graduates' decision to pursue a bachelor's degree is vital in helping them achieve their academic goals. By offering comprehensive support and resources, educators and administrators can ensure transfer students have the necessary tools to succeed. Ultimately, providing a positive transfer experience can lead to improved retention rates, higher graduation rates, and increased success in the workforce. Let us continue to prioritize understanding and supporting transfer students to ensure their success and the success of our institutions.

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As we wrap up the BAS Research Minute series that delved into transfer student motivations, we encourage you to stay tuned for more exciting news and articles on the Bachelor of Applied Science degree at Mississippi State! If you are a graduate or student of a community college AAS program, we strongly recommend that you consider the BAS degree as a flexible and fulfilling way to meet your goals in life. Visit MSU's Office of Admissions to start your application today!

Cepeda, R., Buelow, M. T., Jaggars, S. S., & Rivera, M. D. (2021). “Like a Freshman Who Didn’t Get a Freshman Orientation”: How Transfer Student Capital, Social Support, and Self-Efficacy Intertwine in the Transfer Student Experience. Frontiers in Psychology12.