Sean Meacham, BAS Graduate

BAS Testimonial

Sean Meacham, BAS Graduate


After getting my BAS degree, I work full-time at the Raspet Flight Research lab while pursuing an MBA.

What motivated you to enroll in MSU's Bachelor of Applied Science program, and what was your journey from admission to where you are currently?

I enrolled in MSU's Bachelor of Applied Science program because I wanted to expand my skill set and explore new career paths. The journey from my time in the Air Force to where I am now was challenging but rewarding. To balance attending classes with a full-time job, I had to be disciplined and manage my time efficiently. Thankfully, the program's flexible schedule allowed me to handle my work, family, and school commitments smoothly. The professors at MSU were knowledgeable and supportive, and the courses in my BAS degree were both engaging and relevant to my career goals.

Now, I am working full-time at the Raspet Flight Research lab at Mississippi State University while pursuing an MBA degree.


How did the Bachelor of Applied Science program at Mississippi State cater to your specific needs in pursuing further education after completing your training and education in the Air Force and Hinds Community College?

The BAS program at MSU was precisely what I needed to prepare me for graduate coursework. It provided me with a flexible schedule that allowed me to work full-time while earning my degree. It also worked great for me because the courses stacked onto my community college education and military training and experience, which meant no wasted time in courses that were not right for me!

What advice do you have for someone considering pursuing a BAS degree but is concerned about factors such as time commitment, cost, value, and work-life balance?

My advice to anyone considering a BAS degree is to take the leap and pursue your dreams. Any degree requires a time commitment and investment, but the benefits are well worth it. In terms of balancing work and school, I found that effective time management and communication with my employer were key. Make sure to leverage any financial aid or scholarships like Pell Grant, Phi Theta Kappa, or GPA, you can get to make it not cost as much. Ultimately, the decision to pursue a BAS degree is a personal one, but for me, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Tagged in: Military